How to Meal Prep on a Vegan Diet


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When you're first starting out, a whole food plant-based diet can be intimidating. Being a plant-based novice, on the other hand, doesn't have to be that difficult! Fortunately, we are here to help. What is one of the most effective methods for maintaining your new healthy lifestyle? Putting together a whole food plant based (“WFPB”) food plan! Continue reading for our best planning techniques, meal prep advice. These vegan meals are sure to take your breath away!

This easy vegan meal plan will save you time and hassle. No need to spend hours searching for easy vegan recipes or pouring over nutrition labels. And the best part? All of these vegan recipes are also WFPB so they are loaded with whole grains, fruits, veggies and nuts, while also being refined sugar-free and oil-free. 

Let’s dive right in and you can see for yourself just how easy plant-based meal prep can be.

Meal Prep Getting You Down?

Are you interested in trying a whole-food plant-based vegan diet but are intimidated by the thought of vegan meal preparation? We understand. If you are unskilled and have a hectic schedule, finding and making plant-based and vegan foods can be difficult.

We know that eating a whole food plant-based diet provides your body with just about all of the nourishment it requires (without the "bad things"). It's also better for the environment than the American Standard Diet.

However, figuring out how to plan and make vegan foods from scratch may be a real chore.

This simple vegan meal plan can help you save time and effort. There's no need to spend hours looking for simple vegan recipes or reading nutrition labels. What's even better? As mentioned, all of these vegan recipes are whole food plant-based, which means they're full of nutritious grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts while also being refined sugar- and oil-free.

Let's get started so you can see how simple it is to prepare plant-based meals.

3 Steps to Successful Meal Planning

1.  Wash, cut, and batch are the first three steps. Prepare Vegetables Ahead of Time. 

WFPB and vegan meal prep always goes faster if you wash, batch cook, and chop your vegetables ahead of time, especially because you'll be consuming a lot of healthy vegetables. So go out and get all of your favorite vegetables, and instead of putting them away when you get home, start peeling, chopping, slicing, and steaming them. Then keep them in the fridge (properly) until you're ready to use them. You'll be grateful to your future self!

2. Make a shopping list (and Stick to It)

One of the most difficult aspects of transitioning to a plant-based diet? The supermarket! It can feel like a whole new universe of ingredients you've never heard of before (Medjool dates, Nutritional Yeast??). The good news is that establishing a list can help to reduce uncertainty and save time.

Begin with a basic WFPB meal plan and grocery list. Install a whiteboard with reusable markers in your kitchen and make a note of when you need to replenish your pantry items. Before you go to the store, take a snapshot of your shopping list. Alternatively, go for the modern method and start a notepad in your phone (you can even scribble on it).

A list will also help you avoid impulse purchases, saving you money and reducing trash. The more you practice plant-based meal planning, the easier it will become to shop.

3. Stock up on nutrient-dense foods and WFPB snacks in your kitchen.

We all enjoy a tasty snack (even those of us trying to lose weight). Snacking also doesn't have to get in the way of your fitness goals. The easier it is to make wise decisions, the more likely you are to do so. Remove processed foods, meat, and dairy products from your kitchen and replace them with entire foods such natural fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Do you need some snack ideas? We've got a lot of them. Peanut butter (or other kinds of nut butter), dates, dried or fresh fruit, nuts, and edamame are some of our favorite quick and easy WFPB snacks.


A Guide to a Plant-based Diet for Beginners


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